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  • 都道府県 和歌山県
  • 性別 男性
  • AuDeeプレミアム 登録ステータス
  • AuDee ベーシック
  • 異世界居酒屋「のぶ」

    Yuzumi-chan, congratulation for your role at Isekai Izakaya Nobu's drama. It's one of my favourite story. Looking forward for you acting as Eva in it. Did you get to eat delicious foods during the shooting?


    和歌山県/男性 2020/3/1 13:13


  • Happy New Year

    Yuzumi, Happy New Year! How was your 2019? I hope it's full of happiness. Looking forward for what you will show us in 2020.


    和歌山県/男性 2019/12/30 11:27


  • ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Yuzu-chan, how was high school life? Do you enjoy it? It's been a while since i graduated myself but it might be one of the most memorable phase of my life. I hope you get to enjoy high school and make a lot of nice memories too!
    I really enjoyed your radio show. Your soft voice heals my mind! Despite not speaking Japanese, lots of nice fukei helping me understanding what's being talked about. But i still miss your singing. I've been playing 2018 album a lot, especially CLOVER and CARRY ON. Wonder if you could challenge singing on your next show? I would love to hear you to sing in Enka style, could you try it?
    Looking forward to your next radio show, much love from Indonesia!


    和歌山県/男性 2019/9/13 12:41


  • Congratulation on your first talk show!

    Congratulation on your first talk show! I couldn't understand most of the talk because i can't speak Japanese, but hearing your voice is so soothing and relaxing it made me smiling ear to ear. Please continue with the great work and smile your best! Looking forward for the next radio show.


    和歌山県/男性 2019/8/7 10:41
